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Dark Fae (Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac Book 1) (English Edition) Kindle Ausgabe
What do a heartless Dragon Shifter, a cold-blooded Basilisk, an arrogant Lion Shifter and a brooding, tattooed Harpy have in common…?
Elise Callisto. Vampire. Angel of vengeance. And a girl on a mission to destroy one of them for murdering my brother. I just don’t know which one did it yet.
When I interrogated/accidentally killed a Werewolf who was high on a new and dangerous drug called Killblaze, his final words painted a dark reality for me. The King of Aurora Academy killed my brother. The trouble is, there’s four kings at the academy and each of them have motive and bloodthirsty natures.
Aurora Academy isn’t a place for the faint of heart. To put it lightly, my town is the cesspit of Solaria where the most cutthroat Fae in the kingdom reside. The school itself is divided by the two gangs who run this city. The Lunar Brotherhood and the Oscura Clan. And guess what? Two of the kings run the gangs at the academy, their hatred for each other so fierce I hear a day doesn’t go by without blood being spilled in the halls.
I might be a petite, lilac-haired girl who looks like I couldn’t hurt a fly, but they haven’t been introduced to my fangs yet. And they don’t know why I’m really here. Or that I’ll do whatever it takes to bring down the Fae who took my flesh and blood from me.
I don’t believe in fate, but I do know this… the King who killed my brother is a dead man walking. And I’m prepared to sacrifice my heart, body and soul to ensure I get my revenge.
This is a gritty, college age, steamy series set in a world where Fae fight to take whatever they want. The heroin will end up with multiple love interests so you never have to pick a favourite alphahole. You can expect dark and hot romance, and a twisted murder mystery which will leave your head spinning and your heart racing. – this series is set in the same world as Zodiac Academy but is its own story and can be read independently.
- SpracheEnglisch
- Erscheinungstermin25. Oktober 2019
- Dateigröße1505 KB
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- ASIN : B07Z91XV2X
- Herausgeber : King's Hollow (25. Oktober 2019)
- Sprache : Englisch
- Dateigröße : 1505 KB
- Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) : Aktiviert
- Screenreader : Unterstützt
- Verbesserter Schriftsatz : Aktiviert
- X-Ray : Aktiviert
- Word Wise : Aktiviert
- Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe : 466 Seiten
- Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 2.136 in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 in Kindle-Shop)
- Nr. 26 in Romantische Fantasy-Romane (englischsprachig)
- Nr. 42 in Übernatürliche Liebesromane
- Nr. 87 in Fremdsprachige Liebesromane
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- Bewertet in Deutschland am 28. August 2022I started reading Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti's books about Solaria with the Zodiac Academy. After book 3 of ZA I interrupted that series to read Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac starting with Dark Fae. I think it makes sense to read the first few ZA books and then read this series.
Elise' older brother Garreth died under suspicious circumstances, but as Elise' family is poor and basically nobodies in their corrupt, gang-ruled city of Alestria, so the authorities don't bother to investigate anymore than necessary. Garreth had been living away from home at the Aurora Academy, trying to get a good education and with the eventual goal of getting him and his sister out of their miserable life in Alestria. He was Elise' everything and now he is gone. So Elise manages to take his place at Aurora, because during her own investigations on the streets of Alestria she got one clue about Garreth' death, i.e. that it was "the King" who is responsible for Garreth' death. At Aurora there are currently 4 students who each are seen as Kings of the school: The two rival gang leaders Dante and Ryder, Leon the King of Thiefs and Gabriel, a loner, who is actually too powerful and elite-like to even be enrolled at Aurora (and not at a more prestigious school such as Zodiac Academy). I like that the authors have the setting of this prequel series be very different from Zodiac Academy. The city and school of this series is rougher and shows a different side of Solaria. The series also indicates some clues about Zodiac Academy and the story line of that series. It will take more than being schooled in a sort of ivory tower education and upbringing and be the most powerful fae (like the four heirs have experienced) to be a just and fitting ruler of this world. Say what you want about the Vega girls lack of knowledge and education but I think they are more fit to deal with a city like Alestria than Darius, Caleb, Seth and Max.
At the beginning it seems that Ruthless Boys will be a more solemn story, however, once Elise enters the school and tries to get closer to all four Kings, the story really becomes addictively amusing. The four guys and her flirting and interaction with them are really fun to read. And beside that main plot line of her investigation so many other side plots are unfolding and the characters come to live.
What I also really like about this prequel series is that it has these mafia-romance-like elements without being a true Mafia Romance. With those I often get second hand embarrassment, but in a Paranormal Urban Fantasy series it's way better to read about typical gangster behaviours and tropes, as it's those are in context of characters being shifters and using magic.
I can really recommend Dark Fae and the Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac. Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti are great entertainers and story tellers, who can get their readers get hooked on their characters and their sense of humor.
- Bewertet in Deutschland am 9. Dezember 2024Mit "Dark Fae" (Band 1 der Reihe Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac) führen uns die Twisted Sisters in die magische Welt von Solaria ein, von der ich insgesamt begeistert bin. Das World-Building ist stark, die Atmosphäre grundsätzlich eher düster und fesselnd - vor allem Aufgrund des sorgfältig etablierten Magie-Systems, das Fae mit Elementarmagie und Shiftereigenschaften versieht: Es gibt in der Welt von Solaria verschiedene Fae-Klassen, die die Machtverhältnisse bestimmen und in die Elemente (Feuer, Wasser, Erde und Luft) sowie Wandlerclans unterteilt sind (z. B. Drachen, Löwen, Wölfe). Auch die Charaktere und der gelungene Reverse-Harem-Trope machen einiges her...
Elise, die badass Protagonistin/FMC strebt danach, an der Aurora Academy den Mord an ihrem Bruder aufzudecken und gerät dabei zwischen die Fronten zweier Clans und in die fähigen Hände unserer vier MMC's - Gabriel, Dante, Ryder und Leon.
Das Buch ist definitiv spicy, und grundsätzlich eine gut getaktete, einfache Lektüre. Ich habe ein wenig gebraucht, um in die Story, den expliziten Sprachgebrauch und die verschiedenen POVs (insbesondere von Elises Bruder) hineinzufinden, war aber irgendwann hooked und musste definitiv wissen, wie es in der Geschichte weitergeht.
- Bewertet in Deutschland am 14. Juli 2024I think I actually prefer the spin off series to the main story, maybe because it is not as long or maybe because it focuses on one main character instead of two. I fulfilled all my expectations of a steamy reverse harem book with also some plot going onthat is not completely braindead. The pupose of this book is very much entertainment and if you are looking for some deep, highly relevant commentry on society than you will be highly dissapointed. But if your are going into this book without taking it too seriously and just wanting to have a fun time then you will probably like thís.
Ich glaube, ich mag die Spin-Off-Serie lieber als die Hauptgeschichte, vielleicht weil sie nicht so lang ist oder weil sie sich auf eine Hauptfigur konzentriert statt auf zwei. Es wurden all meine Erwartungen an ein steamy Reverse-Harem-Buch erfüllt, das auch noch etwas Handlung hat, die nicht komplett hirnverbrannt ist. Das Buch dient in erster Linie der Unterhaltung und wer tiefgründige, relevante Kommentare zur Gesellschaft sucht, wird enttäuscht sein. Aber wenn man sich auf dieses Buch einlässt, ohne es zu ernst zu nehmen und einfach nur unterhalten werden will, dann kann dieses Buch gut sein.
- Bewertet in Deutschland am 20. Juli 2022
Bilder in dieser Rezension - Bewertet in Deutschland am 24. August 2023For those like me, who backed away from buying this series due to its tacky thirst trap covers:
There also is a "discreet version" of the series you can find using the following ISBN codes.
Dark Fae (Book 1) - 1914425626
Savage Fae (Book 2) - 1914425634
Vicious Fae (Book 3) - 1914425642
Broken Fae (Book 4) - 1914425650
Warrior Fae (Book 5) - 1914425669
- Bewertet in Deutschland am 15. Mai 2023Ich dachte eigentlich nicht dass das Buch etwas für mich ist aber es ist bekannt und ich war neugierig.
Coole MFC. Nicht zu badass. Und nie zu sehr am hecheln wenn es um die Männer geht. Die Protagonistin ist für mich immer das größte Problem. Aber ich mag sie. Die Männer auch. Die Story ist sogar oft ziemlich witzig und ich muss über so manche Szene lachen. Der Academy Trope ist unterhaltsam und das der Harem nicht pre established ist wie üblich, sondern teilweise sogar verfeindet macht es verdammt spannend. Sogar die Tatsache dass sie ein Vampir ist, ist cool obwohl ich das anfangs blöd fand. Ich brauchte auch länger um mich an die relativ vielen Rückblick POV ihres toten Bruders zu gewöhnen aber er ist sympathisch und man lernt so auch die MMC näher kennen aus seiner Sicht.
Die ganze “wer ist der Mörder” Jagd Sache ist auch nice.
Spice ist auch vorhanden wenn auch noch zurückhaltend aber das entwickeln sich wahrscheinlich erst im laufe der Bände. Genauso wie ich es mag.
Spitzenrezensionen aus anderen Ländern
ManBewertet in Brasilien am 5. Januar 2025
5,0 von 5 Sternen Simplesmente amei
O livro é no mesmo universo que ZA só que bem melhor, sem angústia, os bullings são mais leves e o livro termina sem você querer matar a autora. Só por causa disso ele já merece 5 estrelas.
Elise é aquele personagem forte, independente, que sabe o que quer. Os meninos são ótimos, cada um tem uma característica que você ama e nesse universo conhecemos 2 personagens que em ZA: Gabriel Nox e Dante Oscura.
Agora e conhecer mais deles e devorar os outros livros.
Heidi SimmonsBewertet in den USA am9. Dezember 2024
5,0 von 5 Sternen The BEST SERIES EVER!!
This series is amazing. The writing is wonderful. The story is in depth and keeps you turning the pages.
I had to read all five books back to back. I fell in love with the Kings and Elise from the first pages. No whinny heroine here. And the Kings and their Queen are broken, beautiful, vicious, loyal, and loving.
I love the character and world building in this book. Truly an awesome story and very fulfilling. I’ve read other reverse harem books and the story takes second place to the spice. That is not the case in this series. If you take out all the spice- the story is still awesome and the mysteries keep you wondering how everything will turn out.
Definitely an awesome read.
I borrowed these books on Kindle and then purchased them all. This is a series I will read again and again - that’s how rich the world and story is.
I didn’t want to say goodbye to Elise and her Kings and I’m going to Rosalie’s story next in Darkmore Penitentiary.
Lorna GBewertet in Kanada am 13. Juli 2024
5,0 von 5 Sternen Dark Fae
You were thinking I was going to continue with Zodiac Academy. I am following a reading order and have started the Ruthless Boys series. The first book was fantastic. It drew me in instantly and I can not wait to see where the series goes. The audio is great @troyduran and @kierastevens do the character justice.
What do a heartless Dragon Shifter, a cold-blooded Basilisk, an arrogant Lion Shifter and a brooding, tattooed Harpy have in common…?
Elise Callisto. Vampire. Angel of vengeance. And a girl on a mission to destroy one of them for murdering my brother. I just don’t know which one did it yet.
When I interrogated/accidentally killed a Werewolf who was high on a new and dangerous drug called Killblaze, his final words painted a dark reality for me. The King of Aurora Academy killed my brother. The trouble is, there’s four kings at the academy and each of them have motive and bloodthirsty natures.
Aurora Academy isn’t a place for the faint of heart. To put it lightly, my town is the cesspit of Solaria where the most cutthroat Fae in the kingdom reside. The school itself is divided by the two gangs who run this city. The Lunar Brotherhood and the Oscura Clan. And guess what? Two of the kings run the gangs at the academy, their hatred for each other so fierce I hear a day doesn’t go by without blood being spilled in the halls.
I might be a petite, lilac-haired girl who looks like I couldn’t hurt a fly, but they haven’t been introduced to my fangs yet. And they don’t know why I’m really here. Or that I’ll do whatever it takes to bring down the Fae who took my flesh and blood from me.
I don’t believe in fate, but I do know this… the King who killed my brother is a dead man walking. And I’m prepared to sacrifice my heart, body and soul to ensure I get my revenge.
Elise is a badass and is out for blood and I love her but I also love the guys. I gave this book 4.5 ⭐️ and 2 🌶️ loving the #whychoose aspect of this book because who could choose between these 4 men. Can not wait for more 😊
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Trini CastroBewertet in Mexiko am 6. April 2022
5,0 von 5 Sternen Muy entretenido
El libro llegó antes de lo esperado y en perfectas condiciones.
Anne-SophieBewertet in Frankreich am 6. November 2024
5,0 von 5 Sternen Highly recommend
Read the whole series, it is amazing <3