Experience light and art like never before with the all-new Lite-Brite Touch! That's right, everyone's favorite Lite-Brite toy is introducing a whole new way to play with light - this time, without the pegs! Press the buttons on the light board and watch as they light up. Keep pressing to change their colors as you create new pictures! Use the included, easy-to-follow instructions to create dazzling works of art. Or have fun and design your own masterpiece! And that's not all - this exciting new Lite-Brite toy also comes with fun and addicting games to play. Play alone or compete with a friend - you've never played with a Lite-Brite quite like this! And with its lightweight, portable design, this Lite-Brite is perfect for long car rides or a quiet afternoon in the living room. Recommended for kids ages 6 and up. Powered by battery or USB.

  • Lite-Brite Reimagined:
    This all-new Lite-Brite features buttons instead of pegs! Press the 100 light-up buttons to swap through a variety of colors as you create art or play games.
  • 3 Fun Games:
    There are 3 fun games to play, including Lite Break, Lite Match, and Lite Snake! Play on your own, or join a friend for even more fun!
  • 12 Art Designs:
    There are 12 templates included that you can follow along to create your art. Or get creative and make your own pictures with light!
  • 7 Colors, 5 Animations:
    There are 7 colors to swap through as you press the buttons. Finish your design and watch it come to life with 1 of 5 different animations!
  • Save and Recall Images:
    Finished playing but don't want to lose your art? Simply save and recall the image to display later.
  • Basic Fun

    Lite Brite Touch

    SKN: 883953

    Website Price: $44.99
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    Our recommended Age: 6 - 10 years
