The Travel Edit: Deals & inspiration

This week's round-up of deals and ideas for your next trip

A view of Tower Bridge, London, from the South Bank. People lounge on the grass. The sky is cloudy.

The Annual Vacation Sale: Save 25%+

Sign in or join, it's free! Members save 25% or more on hotels until Mar 31. Stay by Sep 8, 2025*.

Frequently asked questions

What's the best way to get last-minute hotel deals?
As an Expedia member, you can access last-minute hotel deals and other late vacation deals. Just enter your dates and other relevant details into the search function and see what last-minute trips and hotel discounts are available. An Expedia membership also gives you access to package vacation deals, which could include last-minute 5-star all-inclusive vacations and other last-minute cheap hotels and vacations. Take advantage of our easy booking options and smart search filters to book a last-minute getaway to your dream destination in 2025.
What are our members-only hotel deals?
If you join the Expedia Rewards membership, you can unlock hotel discounts: look for the yellow price tags with Member Prices, as this means you might be able to book cheap hotel rooms. You can enjoy an extensive range of hotel offers, with member-only hotel rates on stays in thousands of hotels from the moment you sign up. Not to mention that as an Expedia Rewards member, you can save even more on future stays.
Where should I book a hotel for my next vacation?
With your Expedia Rewards membership, you might be able to find cheap hotel rooms in Quebec City or book hotels cheap in Vancouver, for example. As an Expedia Rewards member, you could get deals on last-minute hotels and last-minute travel for a New York weekend getaway or last-minute vacation deals to revel in the extravagance of Las Vegas and try your luck at the roulette table. If you're looking for something further afield, you might be able to find Expedia member deals with cheap hotels for your next Europe destination, or search our last-minute vacation deals in destinations from Bali to Bora Bora.
Can I cancel my hotel booking with Expedia?
Many member vacation deals on Expedia offer flexible booking options including cancelling your stay if your circumstances change. Check your selected option for more information. When you are booking your trip, look out for search results marked 'Free cancellation'.
Why should I book my hotel with Expedia?
Expedia offers a wide range of travel deals and hotel discounts. It's easy to search and select cheap hotel rooms and offers and, as an Expedia Rewards member, you can also convert your earned points into savings that you can use on your next eligible trip. Sign up today for our exclusive Expedia member-only deals.
How can I find a hotel on a budget?
Use Expedia's advance Search Wizard to find out if you can book hotels cheap on a budget. Just enter the details of your trip, click search and use the filters on the left-hand side to narrow down the search results. For example, if you have a specific budget in mind, use the 'Price per night' filter – the results list will then show only the hotels that match your budget. Sorting the list by price is also a useful way to see some of the cheapest hotels first. Signing up to Expedia Rewards could also help you save money and find a hotel offer.
How can I get hotel discounts?
To get hotel discounts, join Expedia Rewards today for a more rewarding way to travel. Once you've signed up, you get access to Member Prices – meaning you can save 10% or more. The more you use Expedia Rewards, the more rewards you get; once you've reached the next membership tier and you can unlock new perks.
How can you get the cheapest hotel rates?
You could get some of the cheapest hotel rates by booking in the low season. Signing up for Expedia Rewards is another way to potentially get cheaper hotel rates, and you might be able to find cheaper rates at any time of the year. Once you've signed up, you unlock Member Prices, and the more you travel with Expedia, the more rewards you unlock.
How can I save money on my hotel booking?
You might be able to save money on your booking and find a hotel offer by using Expedia's wide array of search filters; make sure to use the 'Sort by' feature to sort the results list by price. If you've joined Expedia Rewards, keep an eye out for the yellow 'Get the Member Price' tag in the search result listing, and you can also filter by 'Members Prices'. Last-minute trips could also save you money, so make sure to check if any last-minute vacation deals are available.
How can I get great hotel deals?
Expedia Rewards gives you access to more hotel deals – as soon as you have signed up, you can take advantage of Member Prices, which could see you saving 10% or more on Expedia's wide selection of hotels. Look out for the yellow Member Price tag in the search results. You might also be able to get some hotel discounts by booking a vacation package – a convenient way to book your accommodation, flights and car rental at the same time.

Terms and Conditions

*Book by 3/31/2025 11:59 pm in hotel property local time. Stay between 2/25/2025-9/8/2025. 25% discount applies to selected hotels. Member Prices are available to Expedia® app users and Expedia® Rewards members. Limited availability, blackout periods may apply.
Package prices quoted are per person and per stay based on the cheapest return flights from the specified airports and two people sharing the cheapest double room, inclusive of all taxes. Additional baggage charges may apply to packages, including flights provided by low-cost airlines. Other fees may apply. Some airlines may charge an additional fee based on payment type. Prices will vary by date, length of stay, hotel selected, hotel room category, departure city and availability. Save on participating properties with savings as marked. Fares may be non-refundable and are not transferable. Name changes may not be permitted.
Expedia’s usual booking terms and conditions apply.
Promoter: Expedia, Inc., 1111 Expedia Group Way West, Seattle, Washington 98119, USA