Create promotions

By creating promotions in Play Console, you can give users a free paid app, in-app product, or subscription with a promo code. There are two types of promo codes:

  • One-time use codes: Automatically generated unique codes that can be redeemed once. Users can redeem one-time use codes directly from the Google Play or in-app.

  • Custom codes: Custom codes that you specify and that can be redeemed multiple times or up to your predefined limit. Users can only redeem custom codes in-app. Custom codes are only available for subscriptions and can only be redeemed by users who have not previously subscribed. You must make eligibility criteria for promotions clear to your users.

Important: You must be transparent about your promotion offers. This includes being explicit about your offer terms. Users should not have to perform any additional action to review the information. To ensure that your app is compliant with our policies, review our Subscriptions Policy in the Developer Policy Center.

Subscription promo codes provide users with a free trial of between 3 and 90 days. You choose which subscription to generate promo codes for, and that subscription’s backwards compatible base plan is used. If the offer already has a free trial or other offers, it is replaced with the promo code free trial length.

Set up a promotion

Comparing promo codes and offers for subscriptions

You can provide various offers and promo codes depending on your business needs:

  New customer acquisition offer Upgrade offer Developer determined offers One-time use promo code Custom promo code
Purpose Acquire new users Upgrade, downgrade, cross-grade users You determine Acquire and retain users Acquire new users
Benefit Free trial and/or intro price phases Free trial and/or intro price phases Free trial and/or intro price phases Single free trial Single free trial
Eligibility New subscribers Current subscribers You determine New, current, or previous subscribers New subscribers
Discovery and purchase Within your app or Play Store Within your app or Play Store Only within your app Distribute via any method. Redeem within your app or Play Store. Only within your app


Review and update promotions

In Play Console, you can access active and paused promotions.

  • Active: Users can redeem your promo codes since it's within the start and end date for the promotion.
  • Paused: Users can't redeem your promo codes until you turn the promotion back on. On your Promotions page in Play Console, make sure that you've set the status to On and set the end date.

Note: After a promotion’s end date has passed, the promo code is expired. After the promo code is expired, users can’t redeem the code, and you can’t view or update the code in Play Console.

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