If you’ve ever been to CES, you know that it can be a physically ruinous experience. From the phalanx of international germs swirling in the air and coating every hand like deadly, invisible pollen, to the harsh environment of the desert and the merciless schedules, it’s easy to go home feeling like a piece of old fruit ignored in a school cafeteria. Not this year. This year, everyone’s feeling great, because we spent the week exercising! [Steps over Brian’s possibly dead body to snort-chew a greasy burger like it is the last piece of food on Earth.]
Our third annual Smartphone Thunderdome is over, and we have a winner. Tim Moynihan, Blackberry Warrior Prince, has done it again, by taking the daily challenges and blogging from his phone the entire time. On Wednesday, he made the most pained face you’ve ever seen while participating in a chin-up demo. Yesterday, he may have sipped water out of an airplane bathroom sink. But he had fierce competition this year, and it was close! Molly cheated like mad, clocking 10 Trillion steps yesterday alone to take the thousand-point prize. That’s gotta be a record, and is definitely forged. Nice job, Molly! Way to master your technology.
Bringing up the rear: Brian Barrett and David Pierce. Brian couldn’t stop using his computer, and was the victim of a bunk step-counting app. He also didn’t try, opting instead to focus on writing some of the best tech analysis of the show. I guess that’s an even trade, and it makes it all the more sad that David, second-to-last, was really going for it. Stick to writing about tech, David. You are no athlete.
Final Standings:
?WINNER! Tim: 2,850?
Molly: 1,666.66666
David: 766.66666
Brian: 333.33333