Ariel Zambelich/WIRED
4th Place: Mat Honan
Point total: 100
Poor Mat. Things did not go his way this year. But even after his Moto X's screen exploded in his pocket he choose
not to use an offered replacement and soldier on with masking tape. That's dedication folks. That's also why we awarded him
the extra 25 'Most Resourceful' points. Alas, the ultimate death of his phone meant Mat really had no choice but to
turn to the laptop. He put up a helluva fight.
"This is supposed to be a real-world challenge. And I'm going to challenge myself to use this crazy cracked-ass Moto X just as you'd have to if it broke on you early in your contract. It’s going to suck. But I’ll deal." --Mat Honan, CES Day 3, 2:31 AM PST

The Thunderphone challenge has concluded. For five days, our reporters did nothing but stare at their phones and tap out hilarious, insightful, weird, and always entertaining posts about what they saw and experienced here at CES. We think they all did an amazing job, but there can be only one winner.
Photos: Ariel Zambelich/WIRED