PlayStation 4 Price Mistakenly Leaked?

According to German gaming site Playfront, Sony India mistakenly had the price of the PlayStation 4 listed on its website. Though the entry has since been removed (if it was there at all to begin with), the site alleges that the PlayStation 4 was priced at 399 Euro for a console packed with a 250 GB hard drive.

Unfortunately, Playfront was unable to grab a screenshot. For now, we're going to have to treat it as a rumor, especially in light of all the PS4 hype that's been generated by Sony's teaser trailer showing off the PS4 (though blurry) on video.

Sony is expected to reveal a little more about the PS4 at this year's E3. Hopefully, price point will be one of the things announced.

  • gamoniac
    250GB of HDD? Where can you get one of those tiny HDD these days? I can't even find them at the store. Sony either has to pay extra for such antique, or has a ton of these in their warehouse...
    And we all know when HDD fills up 70% or more, the inner portion of the platters causes performance to plummet drastically.
  • anxiousinfusion
    250GB... so it's an SSD, right? ...Right?
  • eklipz330
    i'm sure theyre using the same hdds they did in the ps3, just to curb costs for now... im sure we will see ssd's in consoles this generation
  • nevilence
    I think that ps4 preview was bloody rubbish, it could of been any random black box blurred out. and with all the rumours flying around for xbox and ps4, beleive nothing until either sony or microsoft say something
  • danwat1234
    Yeah should be 500GB and shouldn't cost more than $5 more.
  • stridervm
    Sorry guys, that's not gonna happen. Even a PS3s with 500GB HD SRP right now is $250. That's not gonna happen. Even the Wii U sells at $400, and you know what is it's internal storage......
  • shikamaru31789
    A leak that happened shortly after the PS4's unveiling said $429 for the base model and $529 for the premium model, though no hard drive sizes were specified in that leak. I seriously doubt that even the base model will have a 250 GB drive, Sony themselves said to expect a considerable hard drive size, considerable doesn't sound like the same size used in the latest PS3 models. I think the base model will have a 500 GB drive and the premium model will have a 1TB drive, afterall, 1 TB doesn't cost that much more than 250 GB nowadays.
  • shikamaru31789
    10838016 said:
    Sorry guys, that's not gonna happen. Even a PS3s with 500GB HD SRP right now is $250. That's not gonna happen. Even the Wii U sells at $400, and you know what is it's internal storage......

    399 euros is $514 dollars, though the price would likely be less than that in the US due to the markup in other countries. That price doesn't seem that far-fetched to me, maybe even a bit high. The PS3 is likely being sold that high to try and make up some losses from earlier, when the expense of the Cell CPU and the blu-ray drive had Sony selling at a big loss. Rumor has it that the PS3 will be dropping to $150 for the base model and $200 for the premium model when the PS4 launches. The Wii U costs $300 for the base model, not $400, and nearly $100 of that is said to be due to the cost of the tablet controller, and most are saying that Nintendo needs to drop the price, though they are still sticking with launch prices despite slow sales.
  • zander1983
    Ancient 250GB drives. And highly doubt it will be SSDs. 250GB SSD is around $200...
  • gggplaya
    A little over $500 sounds about right. People have to keep in mind that this isn't some kind of specialized hardware like the cell processor in the PS3. This is tweaked next generation stuff from AMD's trinity line of processors. Basically designed concurrently with trinity CPU's.
    Being an ALL-in-ONe CPU/GPU saves a ton of money. When you price a motherboard, CPU/GPU combo, RAM, HDD, and the cost of packaging. A comparable desktop PC costs about the same. I would expect the PS4 to eventually cost less since it'll be sold in bulk and all components purchased in mass quantity.