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Advice Request
Prakash Kumar
Prakash Kumar

Prakash Kumar

Head IT

BMW Group India


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Education system in India
The current education system needs drastic changes if we really want to keep pace with future skill requirements. Most of today's graduates are unfit to carry out the jobs and industry has to spend fair amount of money and energy in bringing them to the level of their expectation. The bigger reason is our education system is very bookish and has no or little relevance to the industry practices. The engineering colleges are ill equipped and teachining faculty is not in sync with the industry. The syllabus and pedagogy is outdated.There is hardly a effort from industry as well as institutions to join and change it to become mutually beneficial. The graduating students are not technically or managerially ready to deliver. The solution is to have lot more direct private participation in the education system and government only playing the role of regulator. But unfortunately this has a negative impact also, as the cost is likely to go high. But in longer run this will churn result.
Upcoming Trends
I see a major change happening on the work front especially with new age technology and thinking. The role of physical office is going to reduce.Internet and e-commerce will make many jobs redundant. Private cloud, tablets,Voice and video over the net, web based IT solutions will pick up very fast. Since most of the products will be hugely complimented by the service, the customization in IT solutions is going to increase.That will be the differentiator in the product offerings. There will be a movement of going back from "outsourcing" to "in house" core technology team, as innovation will become key and has to be done at very fast paced manner. Big Data is another area which will be in prominance and analytics will form the key of business decision making.
Motivating team members
The concept of motivation to present generation is very different. This generation is very fast, having very less patience and hugely entrepreneurial. The only way they are kept motivated is by showing them the challenge and next opportunity. Dropping shoulder makes them reactive and chance of losing becomes immense. My job is always to keep finding new challenges, and motivation is automatically taken care of.
Current Job description
Currently working with a Taiwan based Global Power Electronics Group and supporting their India & South Asia Business by leading the INDIA IT with Overall responsibility for developing and aligning the IT strategy with business strategy, Project Implementation and support of Business Systems (SAP, CRM, WEB) & Infrastructure, Planning and Budgeting, Sourcing New Technology, Recruitment & Coaching of IT team, Business Process Re-engineering, Managing IT Risk, Governance and Security.
Effect of sales on an organization
Sales are the forefront of organization. The energy and drive to any other functions comes from sales. No matter how strong the back end support is, their motivation and effectiveness comes from the good news on the sales side.
Essential skills
The basic skill is of course being technology savvy and learning those all the time. But the strength is built by one’s ability to understand business process, customer needs and ability to talk with the business person in their language. As one grows up in the career, communication and people management becomes more and more important and at the highest level, the ability to identify the business enablers becomes critical.
Essential qualification required
The basic qualifications one needs to have is a degree in computer science which can make him or her understand all facets of technology quickly. After a few years in job, a management education also helps a lot.
What achievements are you really proud off , in your corporate journey?
Mine was different journey from most of the peers in my profession. I started as management consultant and moved in the field of IT with time. For last few years, the job has been enlarged to take care of entire area of technology. I am really proud of myself for the way, I have managed to learn, adapt and differentiate myself while delivering. Some bigger project like SAP etc., do give a lot of joy but the real happiness comes even from smaller implementations, whenever I find them really delivering the business benefits.
My family background
I am married and having two daughters (Palak & Priyangi) aged 11 and 4 Years. My wife is a science postgraduate, currently on sabbatical and spending her entire energy in bringing up the children. My father was running a pharmaceutical business before he expired 12 years back. My mother is home maker and spends her time looking after the ancestral agricultural property.
Importance of brand image
This is very important both from internal as well external perspective. The brand not only attracts the customers but it’s also important to get the right talent, retain and keep them motivated. The brand brings to the internal organization a sense of feeling and belongingness. On the product standards and quality, the brand gives an assurance which keeps the organisation on toes all the time.
My advice to upcoming professionals
Don’t jump, just because your other friends are getting there...analyze your competencies and interest before taking the plunge. The road is not easy. You have to keep pace which is sometimes very unpredictable and fast. But it’s very interesting then the most field as it will keep you guessing and preparing for the next all the time. Also, the value addition is very clear and one feels proud of contributions.
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