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Advice Request
Anushri Verma
Anushri Verma

Anushri Verma

HR Manager


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I was born and brought up in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. I come from a respected Verma family and completed my graduation from NIT, Bhopal. My father is Bank Manager and Mother is working in Police Head Quarters, My younger brother is working in Power Grid and husband is from IIMA working in Indian Oil
Done Differently:
I have realized with deep introspection and experience over the years that I am a people's person, HR is an arena where my passion and interest lies, that's how after MBA ,made the move to HR. I strongly believe you can start your career over any day you wish, it just takes faith and a strong vision
Required Reading:
I would definitely recommend Human Capital and People Matters. Membership of SHRM and NHRD and regularly attend webinars and updates to keep abreast with current issues. They offer a comprehensive mix of best HR practices with a practical approach in business environment.
The Decisions That Matter
The most important decision was to pursue my passion as a career by doing MBA in Human Resources. Secondly, was to gain international exposure and global perspective working in Singapore and Dubai. Thirdly, was to be flexible working across industries and multiple areas of HR to gain a holistic view
Other Thoughts:
'You are what your deep driving desire is,
As your desire is , so is your will,
As your will is, so is your deed,
And as your deed is, so is your destiny!'
Role Model:
My Mother has always been my Role Model. My upbringing has been in a very disciplined environment instilling qualities of sincerity, hardwork and integrity.To succeed in life there is no substitute for dedication, strong ethics, optimism and she has been excellent role model of work-life balance
The Journey So Far:
I am currently working in the capacity of an HR Manager with Virtuos Solutions, handling end-to-end entire HR function of the organization, Prior to this worked as Regional HR Consultant with HRnetOne Singapore and HR Officer with Harrys Singapore. Also, completed Internship with Robert Walters.
Career Profile:
In my current Role, I am handling Corporate HR including, Manpower planning, Performance management, Employee engagement, Organization development, Employee Relations and Talent Management. Previously,I worked as an HR Consultant in Singapore handling Recruitment for Fortune 500 clients.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
During my tenure with Harry's Singapore,had planned and implemented SOP's for all departments as part of the CCI project with Govt of Singapore and bagged SGD 60K grant for the company.Also,had implemented calender for training with WDA that got us SGD 35k for development initiatives for employees.
Job Profile:
I am working as HR Manager for Virtuos Solutions handling complete end-to-end responsibility for the entire HR function of the organization - HR policy formulation, Talent acquisition, Employee handbook, Organization development, Employee engagement, Performance management and Event management.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
The pace of change is accelerating, producing seismic shifts in business and society. The Role of HR has moved from Transactional to being more strategic and measurable and acting as a Business partner by building and aligning people capabilities contributing to organization objectives.
Plans For The Future:
I look forward to being an effective HR Business Partner help in driving organisation performance by completely aligning HR strategies with business objectives, partnering with business units to understand and support needs and requirements and being a Credible Activist and Culture&Change Steward.
Working Life Management:
Clarity on what you want to achieve in life is vital. I am clear on my priorities and divide them into IMPORTANT&URGENT and work accordingly. Spending time with my family to destress, taking a sabbatical to regain perspective,practising meditation to rejuvenate & find time to indulge in my hobbies
Advice For New Professionals:
Journey from zeal to zenith - A smooth transition from college to corporate is possible if one has the proper mental attitude,discipline, dedication and determination to succeed. These attributes will uniquely shape one's character and promote success throughout lifetime.
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