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Amit Gupta
Amit Gupta

Amit Gupta

Regional Manager

Intellicon Pvt Ltd


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Becoming good marketing professionals
Even though Sales and Marketing are two different activities, they complement each other perfectly. To become a champion sales person, you need to market yourself very well to ensure the right audience and then sell your self to them to ensure their loyalty. A good sales person knows exactly which strings to pull to optimize the sales cycle and to get the customer to sign the dotted line. This trait can very well be utilized for attracting new markets, which is a marketing activity. So, a Good Sales professional has to be a good Marketing professional as well.
Upcoming Trends
Thanks to the internet and sites like Siliconindia, the businesses are becoming more aware of new/latest technology and operational processes. Gone are the days where the customer relied on the sales person for information about products that they could use. Today's sales force are fast evolving into consultants rather then mere sellers. Those days have long gone, where a customer was happy with a year old market info. Today with time being the most critical part in maintaining market leadership, the industry has opened up to constantly trying new technologies for effective management and decreasing the time for extrapolation of the latest market stats.
In the field of Automatic Identification and Data Capture(AIDC), solutions like Field Force, Sales Force Automation and RFID are fast evolving as the solutions of choice.
Comparing Online sales with hardcore sales
Sales is all about meeting new people in foreign environments midst different cultures. Sales is all about stepping out of your comfort zone and initiating contact with total strangers and the ability to make them trust & befriend you very quickly. Sales is all about creating new relationships and developing them into repeat customers that stick with you for a long time. A true sales person passionate about selling would never settle for anything less.
Today, with the internet & automation in all spheres of businesses, it has become very easy to buy an item with just a few simple 'clicks'. Though the manufacturer turnovers have skyrocketed, their sales force have lost touch with the end users, as they never get to meet them. The market has come from product conscious to being price conscious. Today, the customer buys from a site that gives them the cheapest rate. The 'joy of selling' no longer exists, customer loyalty is 0. You decide - Is price important or creating relationships...
What achievements are you really proud off , in your corporate journey?
The definition of the word 'Achievement' varies from person to person. To some it is the accumulation of wealth, while for some it is becoming a member of the 'rich & famous' strata. Though one works for money to take care of your near & dear ones, for me, that is not achievement but duty. Achievement, for me is, how many good relationships have I made and developed? How many true friends have I made arising from my business contacts? How many people have I made happy by providing them the right solution at the right time? How many sales people have I been able to influence in becoming a better sales person?
If I look at the above, I can say that I am very proud of my achievements and I eagerly look forward to achieving new targets & grounds that I set for myself.
Importance of brand image
Brand Image is perhaps the most important aspect for any organization. This brand image is what the market & customers look for before initiating contact. In the 21st century, it is all about the perceptions and feedback. Thanks to the internet, the manufacturers & sellers are redefining their USPs. The current market being Customer-Centric, it is all about how well the departments of a company can work together to cater to the needs of their customers. It is this process of catering that leaves the customers/buyers with how they perceive or value the company. It is this perception that 'makes or breaks' a company. The brand image for any company is the single most important factor today in determining their failure or success.
Effect of sales on an organization
Honor & glory typically go to the soldiers on the front line. In business, the front-line soldiers are your sales force. Sales reps are on the field working with your customers, understanding their needs, developing solutions, selling your products and services. Your sales reps drive revenue every day. They are the ones who toil hard, everyday, to overcome all obstacles to get that penultimate 'Sale' and with it the Brand Image of the Company.
Sales is everything for an organization. If sales are good, employees are happy. Without sales, no revenue would be generated to pay the staff, resulting in down-sizing and even closing shop. To be successful and generate more sales/revenue, a company has to work as a team with the sales force as their front runners.
Developing a country
India is home to the 2nd largest population in the world, competition is extremely fierce. One has to compete in everything they do in their daily lives to succeed in the society. One has to constantly evolve and learn to better themselves than their peers. We are always blaming the population for all the cons and failures in life. If only we could use the population as our core strength and harness its power thru the right channels, India could become the most developed country in the world.

I would strongly advise all professionals out there to constantly learn and increase their knowledge by furthering their educational qualification, attending self-improvement programs like short-term courses, seminars and events. Volunteer time in non-profit or charitable work for betterment of society. A collective effort is only what will transform this beautiful nation into the most developed one.
My family background
Born and brought up in Kolkata, my father was a Merchant Navy Officer (now retired) and my mother a housewife. They currently still reside there. I am the youngest with one elder sister, so was the pampered kid in the family. Grew up with very modern outlook yet had all the Indian traditional values imbibed into me. In 2005 my career relocated me to Dubai and then to the US in 2007, from where I recently moved back to India. Have been happily married for 15 years now with a son all of 8 years.
Motivating team members
One cannot succeed in life without failing at some point in time. Without failures, there is no success. I truly believe in this saying and that is exactly what I preach and advise. If 1 door closes, another will open. It is for us to constantly keep trying. It took Edison 1,000 failed attempts before successfully inventing the light bulb. What if, he would have 'lost all hope' on his 999th attempt. It is all about that one more try is what makes people successful. Never give up ...
Essential qualification required
In the AIDC Industry, barcode and RFID technology is constantly evolving and one must stay abreast with all the latest in the market to make a career out of it. To start, one needs to have knowledge about computers and must have a burning desire to learn new technology.
My advice to upcoming professionals
To be successful in sales, one must be:
1. A Good Listener - you must listen to what the customer wants rather then the customer listening to what you are selling.
2. Constantly Learn - you must constantly learn all the technology that is entering this market. Technology is rapidly changing and so should you.
3. Attitude - you must always have a positive attitude towards your work and everything else. There's a saying that Starting on a positive note is 50% of job well done. Always be positive. Meet every customer with a positive attitude. Success will automatically come to you.
These 3 things are what I would advise all to ensure a successful career.
Essential skills
1. A Good Listener - you must listen to the customer's needs rather then the customer listening to what you have to offer.
2. Continuous Self-Improvement - you must constantly learn all the technology that is entering this market. Technology is rapidly changing and so should you. Self learning and improvement would ensure you on the path to success.
3. Positive Attitude - you must always have a positive attitude towards your work and everything else. There's a saying that Starting on a positive note is 50% of job well done. Always be positive. Meet every customer with a positive attitude. Success will automatically come to you.
These 3 things are what I would advise all to ensure a successful career.
Current Job description
I am the Regional Manager (Enterprise Mobility) for Intellicon Pvt Ltd, who are the largest AIDC solution providers in India and have been present in the industry for over 20 years. I am responsible for the entire western region targets with multiple regional Sales team reporting directly to me. My job profile also includes maintaining market leadership, new market penetration, building a killer sales force, creating new sales strategies and go-to market plans alongwith pricing & Customer Satisfaction. I also head the Pre-Sales team in the west which includes business operation studies, product identification and devising solutions.
Education system in India
A school or a college has become more of a lucrative commercial money-spinning venture rather then a center of learning and all-round development. Compounding this problem is the pathetic state of the Govt. run institutions. Due to this the disparity level is increasing.

The Govt. needs to take a stand and drive the education system by putting in place policies & practices that would ensure same education level across all institutions would ensure improvement in quality. Investing more in developing the infrastructure, ensuring that quality of teachers are improved thru constant training and learning, doing away with the old traditions and superstitions that still exists in the centers of learning could make an incredible difference in overall improvement of the system and the nation as a whole.
Handling new territory
Venturing into an unknown territory can be a huge challenge even for the most seasoned professionals. My team is no different. But their lives are made easier with the right go-to market strategies, focused selling and an excellent marketing team effort. The AIDC products we offer are among the best in the world and their brand image helps us in pushing forward. We look at each customer as an individual. This helps us in understanding their unique pain points and how we could tailor a solution to address just that. Our main Unique Selling Points are our collective teamwork and work ethics. This has made us market leaders and we intend to stay at the top for a long time to come.
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