Most Android users are familiar with Swype's signature input method of dragging a finger over keys instead of tapping them, a feature that has been baked into several phones. The Swype app, now available on Google Play for 99 cents (limited time price), brings this familiar feature to any Android device, but also adds a slew of other clever input methods like dictation and handwriting. It also provides smart suggestions as you write, letting you quickly finish words and sentences.
With cloud-syncing dictionaries, support for more than 60 languages, and the ability to learn from your writing and social media, Swype is a powerful app that totally changes how you type.
Writing With Swype
The main way to interact with Swype is by "Swyping"—where you drag you finger from letter to letter to spell out words. Once you complete a word, it appears in place in the text. When you next begin swiping, the app automatically adds a space between the words (this can be toggled on and off in the settings).
The word the app believes you swiped is displayed on a ribbon above the keyboard on the far left. Other words which the app believes you may have been attempting to swipe or type appear to the right. The list is extensive, and can be explored by dragging the ribbon left and right.
Typing works as you expect. With each tap of a letter, the suggestions across the top change. Let's say I'm typing the word "best." By the time I'm through "be," the word "be" is on the left as the top suggestion. "Best" is the third suggestion, so I could just tap the word and keep typing.
Like SwiftKey, Swype also displays three suggested words above the keyboard before you begin Swyping or typing. For instance, after writing "I am enjoying the hams of my ancestors" several times, Swype suggested "enjoying," "the," and "hams" after I typed "I am." This makes spitting out frequently used phrases even faster. In other words, it's content-aware, so you could simply tap the suggestions to dash through sentences.
Suggested words are a smart feature, but sometimes Swype spits out strange utterances. During my testing, I tapped the middle of the three suggestions repeatedly and the app wrote "Is it possible to have a good time for the holidays [sic]," a question I am sure many of us have asked before. In general, SwiftKey does a better job of identifying the phrases I use a lot and was more consistent with its suggestions.
Moving between all three modes of text input makes for fast, accurate typing and is the best way to use the app. However, it's hard to get used to looking at suggestions instead of the keyboard while writing. Obviously there's a learning curve before you can take full advantage of everything the app has to offer.
Dead-On Dictation
Nuance Communication, the developer behind Swype, is also responsible for Dragon Dictate for Mac and Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12 Premium (Windows), desktop speech-to-text software that picked up our Editors' Choice award. It's not surprising that the company chose to include a dictation capability in Swype, which it calls Dragon. To activate this feature, simply tap the small flame-like logo on the bottom left of the Swype keyboard. Speak your sentence and then tap "done" when you're finished, although you can allow the app to end dictations automatically from the settings menu.
I was immediately impressed with Dragon on Swype, which requires no tedious set up or training. Out of the box it did a pretty good job transcribing my utterances, even when another speaker was close by. It's definitely better suited for composing shorter messages, and I also noticed it took longer than expected to process the speech to text, which requires a data connection. The Google Now search bar on my Nexus 7 transcribed my speech much faster, but a little less accurately.
With dictation more than other aspects of Swype, you'll probably end up having to correct the app a fair amount which is thankfully simple. Just tap a word and Swype's suggestions will appear on the ribbon again.
Handwriting Recognition
I thought handwriting recognition fell out of favor around the time of the Newton, but Swype has a toggle-able option to let you write with your fingertip. As you shape letters—either in upper or lower case—the lines vanish quickly as Swype collects them. You can enter text letter by letter or in entire words.
Because English is my first language, my impulse was to move left to right as I wrote. This works fine, but you'll quickly run out of space for longer words. I found the app worked just as well when I wrote the letters over each other slowly.
Annoyingly, to handwrite numbers, you have to switch between letter and number entry modes. Between that and the time it takes to write letters out, it's obvious why this isn't a central feature of the app. In fact, it's not even enabled by default.
Surprisingly, handwriting input shines for entering long strings of numbers—like a phone number.
More Than Text
More Than Text
In a novel move, Swype lets you perform shortcuts like cutting and pasting with gestures on the keyboard. To select all the text on the screen, for example, drag your finger from the Swype logo on the left side of the screen to the letter 'a.' This cleverly lets you keep your finger over the keyboard, making for even faster typing in some situations. It's also just handy to cut, paste, and perform other basic functions without accessing sub-menus.
Swype even supports application shortcuts, though the only one available as of writing is for Google maps. Moving from the Swype logo to the letter 'm' will open Google Maps, and if you have an address highlighted it will automatically enter that as a search term.
Stored on the Cloud
During setup, you have the option to register with Swype Connect which will store your personal dictionary of words on the cloud. Activating this feature requires an email confirmation, but once you set it up, you'll see all your enrolled devices running in the Swype app and feeding into your cloud dictionary.
Having a personal dictionary of words you use frequently saved in the cloud is particularly useful since Swype is meant to grow with you, becoming more adept at predicting your words and writing habits. Having a single dictionary synched to multiple devices means the app is always learning. However, with two devices on the same account I noticed that the syncing feature wasn't all encompassing. Words in my dictionary on my Nexus 7 did not appear on my Samsung Galaxy S III , but predictions were the same on both, indicating that they indeed shared some information.
Living Language?
Swype makes a big deal about its "living language" capability on the Google Play store. With ad copy sure to excite any linguist in the audience, Nuance challenges you to "imagine having instant access to the hottest the words and phrases that people are using at that moment."
Part of this comes from crowd-sourcing, presumably through scraping publicly available repositories of novel utterances like Twitter. The app comes pre-loaded with some of this information. For instance, typing "dancing with" and the next three suggested words will be "the" and "stars."
However, I did notice that some of the "hottest" words didn't appear as Swyping options. For instance, "Yolo" did not appear immediately, and the app suggested "Hangman" for "gangam." While having access to strange zeitgeist-related utterances is a good idea, out of the box this feature seems a bit weak.
Swype, like SwiftKey, also allows you to connect the app to your personal Twitter, Facebook, or Gmail accounts. The app says that this pulls in names and words you use to personalize your experience. After linking to my Gmail account, Swype correctly identified "Ziff" and then suggested it be followed by "Davis" (PCMag is part of a company called Ziff Davis). It also correctly identified a coworker's name, and then offered to add it to my dictionary—though I have to admit I expected it to be there already.
Swype on Security
With all your information passing through Swype, you might be concerned about things like passwords or credit card numbers. In fact, Android will warn you when you install the app that Swype might be storing this information.
In my testing, I entered several passwords and created dummy accounts using Swype. In fields for sensitive information, the app suppresses its suggestions and does not offer to add novel phrases to your dictionary. You can Swype in text for passwords, so the app does engage with the information at some level but it does not appear to be stored anywhere.
For those wary about having your language information lose in the wild, you can delete your dictionary locally, or from the cloud, from the settings menu. If this is the kind of issue that keeps you up at night, note that Swype automatically gathers usage data from your device, but this can be disabled from the settings menu as well.
Multiple Languages and Keyboards
Like SwiftKey, Swype supports more than 60 languages. On start up, you have to select a primary language, though you can add more once the app is running. To change languages, simply drag your finger from the Swype logo to the space bar, which opens a language selection menu.
Not being a polyglot myself, it's difficult to judge how well the other languages function. However, I did feel that SwiftKey had a smoother implementation that was better for moving quickly between different languages.
Beyond multi-lingual keyboards, Swype also comes with different keyboards to suit your style—though I personally prefer the distinctive look of SwiftKey's keyboard better. With those, it was immediately apparent that you had a special keyboard installed.
For tablet users, Swype has three keyboard modes: the standard QWERTY, a split keyboard for better thumb-typing while horizontal, and a small windowed keyboard. This last option is unique, and can be placed anywhere on the screen. It seems particularly useful for Swyping, as it gives you full access to the keyboard in a smaller space.
Swype Sweeps
It's difficult to compare SwiftKey and Swype since they both predict text quite well and let you enter information faster and more accurately than using the standard keyboard. However, I did notice that while Swype emphasizes its "dictionaries" (cloud dictionary, pulling new words from Twitter, etc.), SwiftKey pushes its "language model." If this distinction is accurate, then I suspect that SwiftKey might have a superior product on a technical level.
Ignoring how these two apps work under the hood, Swype does everything SwiftKey does and more. It has powerful settings to customize your experience to how you want it, in addition to cloud storage and handy gesture controls. SwiftKey, however, has a more elegant solution for multiple languages and keyboards, though Swype's solution isn't terrible by any means.
On top of that, there's no tricky tablet version to worry about as there is with SwiftKey. I used the same purchased installation of Swype on a tablet and a handset and saw no remarkable problems. What's more, Swype costs a measly 99 cents right now, while SwiftKey runs at $3.99 plus another $3.99 for the tablet version. Swype is a powerful app, and if you're looking to try a new keyboard experience, it's a fantastic entry point, and is the new Editors' Choice for Android keyboard utilities.
About Max Eddy
Former Lead Security Analyst