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Apple Wins Big in Patent Case Against Samsung

Samsung on Friday was dealt a blow when the jury in its patent case against Apple ruled in favor of Cupertino on a number of key claims and awarded Apple more than $1 billion in damages.

August 24, 2012

Samsung on Friday was dealt a blow when the jury in its patent case against Apple ruled in favor of Cupertino on a number of key claims and awarded Apple more than $1 billion in damages.

Samsung, meanwhile, lost its patent claims and was not awarded any damages.

The jury found that Samsung infringed on a number of Apple design and utility patents with a variety of its devices, from the Fascinate to the Galaxy S II. Samsung prevailed on some of the devices in question, but it lost on many more.

As noted in live blogs conducted by CNET and The Verge, the jury found that Samsung willfully infringed on five of six Apple patents in question, and awarded $1.05 billion in total damages.

Those damages covered infringement on devices like the Samsung Epic 4G, Captivate, Galaxy S II, Indulge, the Vibrant, and more.

Jurors debated for several days before returning their verdict around 5 p.m. Eastern time Friday. Given the scope of the case, it took just about a half hour for the entire verdict to be read.

Lawyers for both sides are currently reviewing the verdict before Judge Lucy Koh will allow the jury to leave. Stay tuned for more details on the verdict and its implications.

The case dates back to April 2011, when for "slavishly" copying the iPhone and iPad with its Galaxy lineup of devices. Samsung countersued and the case has since spread to dozens of courts around the globe. Apple has had some success in getting the Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy Tab banned in various regions, but it is the California trial that had everyone watching.

For more, see , as well as our continuing coverage and the slideshow below.