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Lawmakers Cheer Apple's In-App Purchase Password Requirement

Lawmakers on Friday cheered an upgrade in iOS 4.3 that requires a password before in-app purchases can be completed.

March 11, 2011

Lawmakers on Friday cheered an upgrade in that requires a password before in-app purchases can be completed.

Rep. Edward Markey of Massachusetts and Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, both Democrats, said they were pleased that Apple had to prevent unwanted in-app purchases, which have resulted in some shockingly high credit card bills for some users.

"I am pleased that Apple has added new, clearer control settings and restrictions in their iOS 4.3 operating system to help protect consumers, especially parents, from unwanted in-app purchases," Markey said in a statement. "As the use of mobile apps continues to escalate, it is important that consumers are protected and mobile devices don't become a 21st century wallet in the hands of children who may not know any better."

Last month, Markey and Klobuchar asked the Federal Trade Commission to examine in-app purchases from Google and Apple and whether or not consumers are being unfairly charged. They pointed to a Washington Post article that discussed an 8-year-old who had racked up $1,400 in in-app charges via Capcom's "Smurfs' Village" game. Capcom to post a warning about in-app purchases, but iOS 4.3 - which was - fixes the problem for all apps.

The FTC, meanwhile, said it is at the issue of in-app purchases, particularly those that are not transparent about how they charge consumers for their activity.

Sen. Klobuchar said Apple's move is a "common sense-safeguard" that will help consumers save money and prevent bill shock.

"This is a positive change, but we can still do more to eliminate outrageous charges, and I look forward to working to ensure transparent billing practices for all consumers," she said.