Swype Swipe App Announces Open Beta
Swype, the novel way of entering data on Android phones, has announced a limited beta for all users, albeit with limited functionality.

Swype, the novel way of entering data on Android phones, has announced a limited beta for all users, albeit with limited functionality.
To date, Swype has been primarily an OEM-only application, installed natively on phones like the MyTouch 3G Slide. Instead of typing with your fingers, Swype allows users to slide your fingers from key to key on a touchscreen keyboard. The software's magic is that it knows what keys you're actually trying to touch as your fingers move across the keypad.
For a few days, Swype has made a beta available at beta.swype.com, where users can register an email address and have the company send them a download link. At press time, however, the beta page was just displaying a skeleton layout, and the registration link was unresponsive.
Swype noted the following caveats: It will be open for a limited time, probably a few days; the beta will be available in English, Spanish, and Italian; the app will auto-detect HVGA and WVGA resolutions; and limited end user support will be provided via Swype's support forum. Swype also noted that the app will have limited features, although the company didn't say what functionality would be limited.
Samsung and Swype have already broken the world record for SMS texting, as shown in the video below.
This story was reported earlier by TechCrunch.