• 4K Ultra HD quality
    Open Source
    An easy to use API
    using a fraction of H.264 bandwidth
    Open Source
  • 4K Ultra HD quality
    Open Source
    An easy to use API
    using a fraction of H.264 bandwidth
    Open Source

HD and 4K video using a fraction of predecessor H.264 bandwidth

Highest quality content even at low-bandwidth connections. The libde265 HEVC codec enables streaming services to simultaneously deliver HD and 4K UHD video content to more users and dramatically reduce streaming costs and network bandwidth.

Open Source Software (LGPL)

libde265 HEVC is provided and licensed under open source GNU LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License). Free software libde265 has opened a field of applications in the consumer and professional market such as high-quality 1K HD and 4K/8K UHD video streaming, low-latency/low-bandwidth live video, and full mobile coverage.

Versatile Application Programming Interface (API)

Congestion-aware video decoding robustness for 3/4G and LTE network usage and a versatile API standard facilitate the adoption within web-browsers and on-demand video streaming services. Current implementations include GStreamer plugin, VLC, DirectShow filter and HEVC player for Chrome.

libde265 HEVC and H.265 apps for iOS

The libde265 apps for iOS, the HEVC analysis tool and the H265 app play videos in HEVC format on all iOS devices.