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Charlie’s Angels now in Bengali
<i>Ami Aar Amar Girlfriends</i> stars Raima Sen,Parno Mitra and Swastika Mukherjee in lead roles.
Kolkata | April 3, 2013 10:26 IST
In the first chic film in India on the lines of Charlie’s Angels,Maach Misti and More director Mainak Bhaumik has taken a sneak peek into the world of three present day career-driven young girls,feminine but not coyish or docile in his new flick Ami Aar Amar Girlfriends.
While lot of film makers here in Bengal and in Hindi as well have been making films,which are sensitive about women-centric issues with female leads,there had been a dearth of a real ‘girlie-movie,a flick which explores the psyche and unique domain of women,their lives,friendships,fun and everything,- their hang-outs,which looks at them more from the dispassionate point of view and not as mere pretty
faces, the Bedroom director said during the trailer launch of the movie.
I have seen how men react and behave at the sight of and in the company of women,who,however,prove to be more level headed and pragmatic. Their psyche is different,There lies a fundamental difference between the two genders and that also gets reflected in my film, Mainak said in a lighter vein.
The film brings to the fore the psyche of contemporary,career-driven,city women having their own ideas of day out,get away spots and fun, he explained..
Don’t think having worked in any such film in past. There were scenes where we were asked to be just ourselves – me,Raima (Sen) and Parno (Mitra). At a party scene we did not have to act or emote before the camera, Swastika (kadalibala) Mukherjee,the narrcisstic yesteryear herroine ghost in cult hooter Bhabisyot of Anik Dutta,said.
I often tell Moinak,how come you understand the psyche of a woman so well! I think he is very sensitive and possibly he has lot more friends among girls than the other way round,He should have been born as a girl, the Ranjana Ami Aar Asbona celluloid-crooner gushed.
My association with close friends,I won’t categorise them as boys and girls,their characteristics and traits perhaps helped me in etching out the characters in Ami Aar Amar Girlfriends which also talks on the issue of women’s empowerment.
There had been such films in Hollywood and Europe but somehow our makers failed to mark this niche segment of young,urban female audience,¿ Moinak said.
Nice to share positive vibes with the present crop of young bunch of film makers,who are very sensitive and accommodating towards women¿s issues and eager to give them space and happy such films are increasingly finding takers among our audiences,” actor Raima Sen said.
We wish to release the film in US shortly after the local premier in end April. We want to slot it as a film representing the traditional yet contemporary Bengal which accords the due respect,space and regard to its women, Anirban Aditya of Aditya Productions said.
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