Musical Staff Spelling Bee + Math: Un-Bee-lievably Fun
The Musical Staff Spelling BEE + Math lesson is designed to be a review of the names of musical pitches as well as a cross-curricular math activity. (Multiplication)
Queen Bee or Worker Bee?
On each linked page there are two hidden musical words to uncover. The QUEEN BEE word on the left has more letters than the WORKER BEE word on the right. Students move the chosen bee to reveal the spelling word and the colored note heads. 10 points are earned for each correctly placed musical letter note.
Scoreboard = Music + Math Feature
When students touch the BEE in the upper left corner they are returned to the Scoreboard. When the player or the team returns to the scoreboard, they should roll the die and multiply the rolled number by the points earned for the musical word. Tally the points for each team. This will make the score BIG and fun!! Music + Math is Cool!
In Musical Staff Spelling Bee + Math, home base is the Scoreboard page. The numbers at the bottom of the Scoreboard page link to 13 different spelling pages. There is a “back” BEE button in the upper left corner of each spelling page that returns the team to the scoreboard to record their points earned.
Un-Bee-lievably Funny BEE Jokes
IF at student or team correctly spells the musical word on the staff, they may pull out the BEE Jokes!
1:1 iPad Activity
If you have iPads in your music room, this activity is designed for students to use along side the SMARTBoard activity. There are four different files to download as you need them or you can have different groups working on different pages. The numbered files correspond to the pages in the SMARTboard activity. The iPad activity is in Explain Everything.
This SMARTBoard Musical Staff Spelling Bee Activity is perfect for playing a traditional review game in a fresh, interactive way. I BEE-lieve it is a win-win for the music class.
Access my SMARTBoard Musical Staff Spelling Bee Activity file here. (25 pages)
Cherie Herring
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