Create Wifi Hotspot in Ubuntu Laptop For Android Phones

Last updated: April 22, 2024

Wireless access point for Android

If you have a single wired Internet connection, you can easily setup an ad-hoc wireless network with Ubuntu and share the Internet connection among multiple devices. Unfortunately, some devices including Android & Windows Phones may not support ad-hoc wireless networks.

UPDATE 2024: This tutorial is outdated! It may no longer works in current Ubuntu releases!

ubuntu ad-hoc wifi hotspot

So this tutorial is going to show you how to turn your Ubuntu laptop into a wireless access point in another way with Android phones support.

UPDATE 2: Seems that Ap-hotspot is not working good on Ubuntu 14.04, please try this post using KDE’s network manager.

Or use the default Network Manager with a little hack.

To get started, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open the terminal. When it opens, run the commands below one by one to install ap-hotspot.

Ap-hotspot is an open-source project that automatically creates an infrastructure (Access Point mode) wireless hotspot in Ubuntu that should work with Android and Windows Phone devices

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install ap-hotspot

Supports for Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 12.04 and Ubuntu 14.04. download & install the ap-hotspot deb for saucy at this page.

For Ubuntu 14.04, due to bug you need to downgrade hostapd to make ap-hotspot work.

  1. First uninstall the buggy hostapd in Ubuntu 14.04 via:
    sudo apt-get remove hostapd
  2. Copy and paste the command below into terminal that matches your OS type – check out via System Setting -> Details – and hit run to download, install, and hold the old version of hostapd.While running the commands below, type in your user password in terminal when prompt.

    For 64-bit system:

    cd /tmp && wget && sudo dpkg -i hostapd*.deb && sudo apt-mark hold hostapd

    For 32-bit system:

    cd /tmp && wget && sudo dpkg -i hostapd*.deb && sudo apt-mark hold hostapd

Once installed, execute below command to configure your wifi hotspot:

sudo ap-hotspot configure

It will detect the wired & wireless interfaces and ask you to confirm that if they are correct (run ifconfig if you’re not sure). Then you’ll be asked to enter a wifi hotspot name and setup a password.

ap-hotspot config

Finally start the wireless hotspot via:

sudo ap-hotspot start

Now you’re able to connect to wifi hotspot via your Android phone!

ubuntu wifi hotspot android phone

To stop the wireless hotspot, execute this command in Ubuntu terminal:

sudo ap-hotspot stop

UPDATE: Please report issues at:

Tip: For the error “Access Point Mode is not supported by this device”, you may take a look at this page.


I'm a freelance blogger who started using Ubuntu in 2007 and wishes to share my experiences and some useful tips with Ubuntu beginners and lovers. Please comment to let me know if the tutorial is outdated! And, notify me if you find any typo/grammar/language mistakes. English is not my native language. Contact me via Buy me a coffee: |

103 responses to Create Wifi Hotspot in Ubuntu Laptop For Android Phones

  1. This metod working with 3g mobile modem ?

  2. great man , i run it on kali linux and working but unfortunatuly network only with no internet , i dont know why ?? maybe (firewall or missing command ……

    if you have idea check with me ……. any way thanks

  3. Thanks a lot, I got it working on my Ubuntu 13.10 -> Android tablet

  4. thanks…
    very very usefull

  5. hey .. i m used to do this on ubuntu 13.10 .. and it works fine , i can conneect my tablet .. but yesterday i changed to Elementary Os .. i found the access point and when i connect to it , it stuck on obtaining Ip adress ..

  6. Hi. I have TTL = 1 on my laptop. My phone hasn’t internet access. How can I lower or raise the TTL value?

    • The IPV4 settings are accessible through proc filesystem at /proc/sys/net/ipv4.

      Check the current TTL value, run:

      cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl

      To set a new TTL value, 255 as example:

      sudo su
      echo 255 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_default_ttl
  7. @Ji m
    when i run sudo ap-hotspot configure this command
    terminal says: Your wireless card does not support Access Point mode

    what should i do

    • Please report this issue at: “” and ask the developer to add support your wireless card.

      To check out network info, run:

      lshw -C network
  8. Hi,
    Thank you for the post. I am using ubunutu 12.04. I have followed the instruction given above to create the network. But, my android tab couldn’t connect to this network, it struck at obtaining IP address. I have searched for this, but i didn’t find any solution. Can you suggest me what i should i do to solve this problem? Thanks.

  9. @Ji m
    After starting the hotspot, my phone sees the connection but cannot access it. It keeps showing an invalid password error. Any ideas how to fix this?

  10. Hi, thank you for the post, I am using ubuntu 12.10, I am installing on a Dell Latitude E5530.
    Any ideas how to fix this?
    $ sudo ap-hotspot configure
    Your wireless card does not support Access Point mode

  11. hello i have ubuntu 14.04 , and i successfully configure hotspot as u describe above,
    and i am able to connect my mobile with hotspot but when i am running any application which uses internet it could not load, seems that i am connected but no internet access…
    what i do?

    • Sorry @rohit. This app is a little buggy on 14.04 and please go to the project page (link at the end of article) to get help.

  12. can i do this on linux mint 16?

  13. mine is not working, it says “starting wireless hotspot….” waiting for 15 min it still not active, how can i fix this?

  14. hello i have ubuntu 12.10 , and i successfully configure hotspot as u describe above,
    and i am able to connect my mobile with hotspot but when i am running any application which uses internet it could not load, seems that i am connected but no internet access…
    what i do?

  15. Samuel Gregory June 4, 2014 at 4:36 pm

    Really work for connecting a Nokia Lumia

  16. Hi hotspot is configured well but it only showing obtaning ip address and won’t connect

  17. I installed ap-hotspot. I entered hotspot name and password. But when I try to connect any device it says authentication problem. I am unable to connect any device.

  18. Not working in linux mint 17 cinnamon :(

    • Sorry, the tutorial was tested on Ubuntu 13.10. Please try the KDE’s network manager, see the link at the end of article (UPDATE 2).

  19. when i give the command sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8
    it says pycurl.error: (7, “couldn’t connect to host”) even though i am connected to internet

  20. linux torvalds June 12, 2014 at 12:45 pm

    it is not working, it says “starting wireless hotspot….” waiting for 15 min it still not active, how can i fix this?

  21. Sagir Hussain Khan June 15, 2014 at 7:07 pm

    Its not working with linux mint 17 though I used it with linux mint 15. can you update it for linux mint 17?

  22. Dear Sir,
    Thanks for your article, I am able connect my laptop with mobile. But unfortunately on my mobile, Satus is showing as: Limited connectivity and also I am not able to access the internet on mobile.

    Kindly help me.. waiting for your response.

  23. also kindly show me the steps, what setting do I need on mobile (already done the seeting on laptop) for accesing the wired internet connection on mobile.

  24. Dear sir,for your prompt reply. But I am having ubuntu 12.04

  25. Hi,
    Thank you for the post. I am using ubunutu 12.04. I have followed the instruction given above to create the network. But, my android tab couldn’t connect to this network, it struck at obtaining IP address. I have searched for this, but i didn’t find any solution. Can you suggest me what i should i do to solve this problem? Thanks.

  26. GAH, nevermind!!! I was looking at the end of the article. I found it in the middle while scrolling up.

  27. its not working on ubuntu 12.04. it is showing that wireless hotspot is active but my mobile is not searching it. also not showing in wireless connection.

    • Sorry man, Hotspot was working good. It may or may not work nowadays, please visit the project page (in the end of post) to get more information.

      Now I’m using KDE’s network applet to handle this in Ubuntu 14.04 (not tested in 12.04), you can try it from the link in the “update2” (in the middle of post) section.

  28. it is not working, it says “starting wireless hotspot….” waiting for 15 min it still not active, how can i fix this?

    • On the machines or phones you are trying to connect with, select “only wpa2” for encryption. Then you will be able to connect AND obtain an IP-address.

  29. you can use this tool to create hotspot in ubuntu. if somehow it doesn’t install, install libqtgui from synaptic package manager

  30. Hi Sir, i m using ubuntu 12.04 when i entered the command “sudo ap-hotspot configure” in terminal, it is showing that “Your wireless card does not support Access Point mode” why ? and what i have to do now ?

  31. Jatin Khurana July 29, 2014 at 5:28 am

    Hello, I am running ubuntu 14.04. It’s not working for me. After running the command to start the Hotspot, it is continuously showing “Starting Wireless Hotspot…..”. and doing nothing after that…

  32. The same happens to me. I am running 14.04 x86_64, After running the command to start the Hotspot, it is continuously showing “Starting Wireless Hotspot…..”. and doing nothing after that…
    sudeep@syslap:~$ sudo rm /tmp/
    rm: cannot remove ‘/tmp/’: No such file or directory
    sudeep@syslap:~$ sudo ap-hotspot start
    Starting Wireless Hotspot…

    Any help would be appreciated!


  33. If it doesn’t work in Elementary OS try to find here:

  34. Thanks! Great command but not working with my lan connection.

  35. Hi, how do I keep a check of the devices that connected to my hotspot ?

  36. Dunno wt happend i did go through all steps but at last step
    parthdave@ubuntu:~$ sudo ap-hotspot start
    Please disconnect WiFi before proceeding
    parthdave@ubuntu:~$ sudo ap-hotspot debug
    Starting Wireless Hotspot…
    * Stopping DNS forwarder and DHCP server dnsmasq
    * (not running)
    update-rc.d: warning: hostapd start runlevel arguments (none) do not match LSB Default-Start values (2 3 4 5)
    update-rc.d: warning: hostapd stop runlevel arguments (none) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (0 1 6)
    Disabling system startup links for /etc/init.d/hostapd …
    Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/hostapd …
    Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/hostapd …
    /etc/rc0.d/K20hostapd -> ../init.d/hostapd
    /etc/rc1.d/K20hostapd -> ../init.d/hostapd
    /etc/rc6.d/K20hostapd -> ../init.d/hostapd
    /etc/rc2.d/K80hostapd -> ../init.d/hostapd
    /etc/rc3.d/K80hostapd -> ../init.d/hostapd
    /etc/rc4.d/K80hostapd -> ../init.d/hostapd
    /etc/rc5.d/K80hostapd -> ../init.d/hostapd
    update-rc.d: warning: dnsmasq start runlevel arguments (none) do not match LSB Default-Start values (2 3 4 5)
    update-rc.d: warning: dnsmasq stop runlevel arguments (none) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (0 1 6)
    Disabling system startup links for /etc/init.d/dnsmasq …
    Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/dnsmasq …
    Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/dnsmasq …
    /etc/rc0.d/K85dnsmasq -> ../init.d/dnsmasq
    /etc/rc1.d/K85dnsmasq -> ../init.d/dnsmasq
    /etc/rc6.d/K85dnsmasq -> ../init.d/dnsmasq
    /etc/rc2.d/K85dnsmasq -> ../init.d/dnsmasq
    /etc/rc3.d/K85dnsmasq -> ../init.d/dnsmasq
    /etc/rc4.d/K85dnsmasq -> ../init.d/dnsmasq
    /etc/rc5.d/K85dnsmasq -> ../init.d/dnsmasq
    * Restarting DNS forwarder and DHCP server dnsmasq

    dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for Address already in use
    net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
    Wireless Hotspot active
    parthdave@ubuntu:~$ sudo ap-hotspot start
    Another process is already running

    please solve this problem…

  37. Perfect! Got it working on Xubuntu 12.04 with a few additional easy steps.

    After a successfull install, when trying to connect Android phone and tablet to the hotspot they were just stuck at optaining IP address.
    The following steps fixed that:
    1) Run in a terminal: sudo ap-hotspot debug
    – I got a message in the last line:
    “Restarting DNS forwarder and DHCP server dnsmasq
    dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for …!”

    2) The solution is here where you have to make a simple change to NetworkManager.conf:
    Summary of the solution, quoted from the link:
    Run this from a terminal:
    sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf

    Change the line that says:

    Restart Network Manager:
    sudo service network-manager restart

    Verify /etc/resolv.conf does not say: nameserver
    cat /etc/resolv.conf

    3) sudo ap-hotspot stop

    4) sudo ap-hotspot debug
    – Now it should say:
    “Restarting DNS forwarder and DHCP server dnsmasq

    And now the Android phone and tablet can obtain IP addresses and it’s quite fast!

    • The Xubuntu is running on an Acer Aspire One AO751h.
      Android version 4.4.2 on LG L70 phone and Nexus tablet.

      • in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS you knwow if works? I have android 4.0 and say: “obtaining ip adress..” Help me please

    • Thanks agli. It worked for me. Guys don’t look for the internet connection symbol. In my case intetnet is connecte, but on internet connection symbol it is showing as it’s not connected.

    • Worked for me too. thanks.

    • Saved Me :)

    • Abhishek Gaurav November 8, 2015 at 5:52 pm

      Thanks Agli !

      This was precisely the problem I was facing. In spite of the setting the Android device failed to obtain a valid IP address. Now after commenting the dnsmasq I am able to connect 12.04 to my android device. Thank you very much,

  38. Tell me how to complete authentication of password while connecting from android.

  39. Hi Ji M
    Im using Dell Vostro 1450 series laptop with Ubuntu 12.04.
    I have installed ap-hotspot by referring this article but it ends up with following message after i run this cmd – sudo ap-hotspot configure.

    Please suggest a solution for this.

  40. i would like to inform you that the issue with faulty hostapd has probably been fixed now as i did not encounter any problems setting up my wifi hotspot. ap-hotspot works perfectly and even better than mhotspot in windows.

  41. Thanks a lot. Where other methods failed, this one worked.

  42. Himanshu Agrawal October 18, 2014 at 6:30 am

    thanks it’s also working on linux 17

  43. Works great for ubuntu 14.04…. I can able to access the net from my android phone…. Thanks man….

  44. i m using ubuntu 14.4 . 32 bit OS
    when i tried exactly same,,
    on terminal it displayed ..

    nilesh@nilesh-HP-Compaq-6720s:/tmp$ sudo ap-hotspot start
    sudo: ap-hotspot: command not found

  45. hi i have succesfuly installed the hotspot but to conect to my android its asking for a password? where can i find the password to connect my mobile to my laptop?
    thank you

  46. Wonderful. It worked like a magic on my linux mint – nexus5 combo :).

  47. Many many thanks for this toturial,

    It works with me and I’m able to access internet on android, Iphone, laptob (windows/ ubuntu) when I use WPA2 key or I keep it open.
    However, when I I try using Wep key to connect I obtain only “saved” but unable to connect in all devices. can you explain plaese. how to fix it.

  48. For me everything is okay till end but when I give sudo ap-hotspot start it doesnt start
    It comes till Starting Wireless Hotspot in blue and doesnt proceed further…Can you help me please

  49. When i start the application then it says
    WiFi is disabled, please enable WiFi before running this script

    when i stop the wifi then it says
    WiFi is disabled, please enable WiFi before running this script

    please suggest what to do ..please its urgent .. Thanks in advance .

  50. Thanks a lot.
    Finally it worked!

  51. I have got Ubuntu12.04 and everything works fine…my handset even detects it but on connecting “Authenticating” keeps on repeating..

  52. Thanks a lot to Agli for sharing the
    solution for not obtaining an IP address
    I am on ubuntu 12.04 and I obtained the ap-hotspot deb without adding any PPA.
    Everything works fine
    Thanks to Ji m too

  53. i have followed all the steps thoroughly but after “sudo ap-hotspot configure” it says command not found

  54. i tried ur method. all went ok but it keeps on saying starting wireless hotspot…….
    but never starts… what should i do?

  55. How to protect the hotspot with password.when password gives it is not getting.please give advice to solve it.

  56. i am really thankful to u. I started using sony vaio with os ubantu yesterday and first search i made on google to find the solution to generate wifi . Fortunately, i found you and now i am writing this comment using my android phone connected through wifi , created by my laptop….. thanks again

  57. I tried to create a hotspot on my laptop. When I entered the command
    sudo ap-hotspot configure
    I got the response that sudo: ap-hotspot: command not found
    The process ended what should I do?
    I am a new user of Ubuntu 14.04.

  58. Thnq, I did everythng u said and it is working. But I need something else, now I need to get which and all devices are connected to my laptop through this hotspot. And need to send information to those devices as some kind of notification. Pls help me with this..
    I’m using Ubuntu 13.10

  59. This works on 14.04 without removing anything.
    Just install hostapd as said above.

  60. Connection problem while installing ap-hotspot : ‘404 not found’ something like that. What should i do?

  61. how to create hotspot in ubuntu 15.04? these methods not working for me…

  62. after installing INTERNET is connect but is not working in Ubuntu 12.04

  63. Your instructions don”t work. I don’t know if it’s due to my laptop running Ubuntu 15.04 or if anything is outdated.

  64. Could you write a guide for Ubuntu 15.04 ? Thanks a lot.

  65. Not Found

    The requested URL /ubuntu/pool/universe/w/wpa/hostapd_1.0-3ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb was not found on this server.

    Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80

  66. Hi Ji M,

    I got the error message below, I am using ubuntu 14.04LTS 64bit.

    HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 404 Not Found
    2015-10-21 23:39:37 ERROR 404: Not Found.

  67. iam using dell studio 1345 with wireless 1397 minicard iam unable to make access point with ap-hotspot
    it shows “your wireless card doesnt support accesspoint mode.
    kindly guide me to download latest drivers for the dell 1397 minicard.
    thanks in advance.

  68. hi, do we update for this settings. mine is not working but perfectly fine before the most recent update and upgrade of my system. thank you in advance.

  69. after enter the above command in terminal
    the following error shows in terminal

    /tmp$ cd /tmp && wget “” && sudo dpkg -i hostapd*.deb && sudo apt-mark hold hostapd
    –2015-11-26 21:46:35– “”
    Resolving (…,,, …
    Connecting to (||:80… connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 404 Not Found
    2015-11-26 21:46:36 ERROR 404: Not Found.

    Pls suggest me

  70. My installation and configuration is finished. My android device showing my hotspot but when i enter password andl click to connect the process go running or running but not connecting. Please tell me what i do to resolve this problem?

  71. will this work with ubuntu 13.10 -> iOS 9 iPad?

  72. I was looking for a good solution for easily creating a hotspot on ubuntu a few months back, but somehow I missed ap-hotspot. Other solutions proposed by the interwebz either didn’t work or were too complicated to handle quickly. Therefore I set out to write my own set of scripts to facilitate the process.

    I would be happy if some of you were to check out my project at and let me know how it works for you.

  73. Hello Sir, I already created ap-hotspot and can be used normally , but when the WI-FI connection tip password mistake . why ?

  74. wget to the deb file is not reachable @ step 2: so stumbled for the working one which is down here.

    Tested and working 100%. Thanks for the write up on this.

  75. When use this command cd /tmp && wget && sudo dpkg -i hostapd*.deb && sudo apt-mark hold hostapd
    I am getting following error
    Connecting to (|2001:67c:1560:8001::11|:443… failed: Network is unreachable
    My ubuntu version is 14.04

  76. This is what I get when i run the command for 32 bit on ubuntu 14.04

    –2016-10-12 19:30:58–
    Resolving (…,,, …
    Connecting to (||:80… connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 404 Not Found
    2016-10-12 19:30:58 ERROR 404: Not Found.