If you're a die-hard Game of Thrones fan, you've likely tried to get everyone you know into the show. That is, of course, except for the little ones in your life. The infamous "Red Wedding" isn't exactly kid-friendly.
But now, thanks to a new Tumblr called "Mr. Men & Little Miss Game Of Thrones," your favorite HBO drama has entered the world of children's literature. The blog's daily illustrations recreate characters from the GoT universe in the style of Roger Hargreaves' Little Miss and Mr. Men children's book series.
The Tumblr is a joint effort from French advertising executives Antoine Le Troadec and Antoine Dezes-Richard. Dezes-Richard told Mashable that their first illustration came to life after Le Troadec approached him with the idea for this project. After a quick brainstorm, they produced the first illustration, a depiction of Joffrey Baratheon titled "Mr. Rageous."
Since then, Dezes-Richard said they have created 40 illustrations and plan to release one daily on Tumblr and Facebook.
As for what's next: We'd really like to see an illustration of post-"Red Wedding" fans titled "Little Miss Emotionally Destroyed."
Check out a few of the duo's clever and kid-friendly illustrations above.