6 Obscure Subcultures You Didn't Know Still Exist

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6 Obscure Subcultures You Didn't Know Still Exist

If the Internet has taught us anything, it's that we are not alone. No matter how strange or obscure our interests, someone else online feels the same way -- and wants to talk.

These online subcultures often exist for a time and then slowly, quietly fade away once their target audience grows older or finds new interests. But a few communities stick around, discreetly hovering on the edge of society, unbeknownst to the mainstream.

We found them.

1. Xena: Warrior Princess

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Image: Flickr, djwudi

How much would you pay to attend a Xena: Warrior Princess convention in Burbank, California? If your answer is anything higher than zero dollars, you have until February to decide how to get there.

Xena, a popular television show that ran from 1995 to 2001, still has quite a few devoted followers -- at least enough to require annual conventions in the U.S. and Australia. Fans dress up as their favorite characters and occasionally, Lucy Lawless and other actors from the series show up to speak and sign autographs. This years "Gold Weekend" ticket package is selling for $469.

2. Dungeons and Dragons

Often referred to as the original RPG, this interactive game was first released in 1974. With the popularization of console and PC gaming, you would think many players would have switched to digital, with games like World of Warcraft, Skyrim and even Dungeons and Dragons Online offering a faster, more open fantasy world.

But as evidenced by the video above and the nearly 84,000 members in D&D's "meetup" site, many are choosing to keep their role playing in the physical realm.

3. My Little Pony

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Image: Flickr, internetparodies101

My Little Pony, an animated show inspired by a line of plastic toys from the '80s, has famously found new life in its devoted adult audience, referred to as "bronies." The mature community (largely males) creates fan art based on the show and attends conventions and concerts to meet up with one another.

This year's "BronyCon" took place in Baltimore, Md.

4. Second Life

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Image: Flickr, DanieVDM

Second Life is a 3D virtual world created by Linden Lab in 2003. A 2008 MTV True Life episode explored the way players create new identities and spend enormous amounts of time in the game world. Today, Second Life is still populated by thousands of players and some even more dedicated trolls.

5. Furries

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Image: Flickr, Cloudtail

Furry fandom is a bizarre subculture in which adults create and wear large fursuits and attend conventions. The subculture is approximately 80% male and its largest convention, "Anthrocon," is held annually in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Though furry's media spotlight peaked in the early 2000s after an episode of CSI explored the lifestyle, the subculture is still alive and growing. Anthrocon 2013 saw over 5,500 attendees and an economic impact of $6.2 million.

6. Neopets

This archaic flash game created in 1999 still sees several million page views every month. Players create and customize their virtual pets and play minigames to make virtual money for in-game use.

The site was purchased by Viacom in 2005, and still doesn't have an authorized mobile platform. This fact, however, doesn't seem to deter players; many are Neopian veterans, in some cases owning pets over 10 years old.

What bizarre subcultures do you know that are still around? Tell us about them in the comments.

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