3 Products to Kick Your Cellphone Addiction

3 Products to Kick Your Cellphone Addiction

Are you addicted to your cellphone? Or do you know someone who needs an intervention about their mobile dependence? We have some interesting innovations that can help.

We've found three ways of putting handsets out of reach, forcing you (or your mobile-mad buddy) to re-join the real world.

Take a look below at this trio of devices that will ensure you concentrate on those around you, and not your mobile -- even if it's just for a little while.

Banish Bags

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Available with different slogans and customizable with names, Banish Bags come with a number of security seals that feature unique codes so once a phone has been "banished," you'll know if the seal has been broken.

Perfect for: A friend who needs intervention from their phone addiction

Cost: From around $22

Cell Lock-Up Phone Cage

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This novelty item puts your cellphone "in the slammer." With room for multiple phones, and a timer option to unlock the cage, it's designed for some mobile-free quality family moments at mealtimes and game nights.

Perfect for: Families or couples who want to enjoy some mobile-free time together

Cost: $16


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The "Blokket" features two phrases, "goodbye phone, hello world," or "my phone is off for you." This cell signal-blocking pouch works as a courtesy gesture to let those around you know you value their company more than your mobile.

Perfect for: Anyone who needs a gentle reminder to put their handset down and engage with the real world

Cost: $29.95

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