Ellie Goulding to Hold Digital Album Signing in Google+ Hangout

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Ellie Goulding to Hold Digital Album Signing in Google+ Hangout

British singer Ellie Goulding, who performed at Prince William and Kate Middleton's royal wedding reception, will conduct what's being dubbed the world's "first digital album signing" in a Google+ Hangout Monday.

The group video chat coincides with the Oct. 8 release date of Goulding's new album, Halcyon. Fans can sign up for Goulding's Hangout by filling out a form to ensure the chat runs smoothly. The event starts at 3 p.m. ET.

The video above shows how the Hangout will look. Fans will get their signed albums after the Hangout.

BONUS: Ellie Goulding Tells Mashable About Her Instagram Music Video

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"I actually watched it and got quite emotional just because the amount of effort people put into it," she told Mashable after pulling out a smartphone to take an Instagram snap of a New York City sunset during Microsoft and HP's "ARTIST #TALK" event in September.

Goulding said she was surprised that fans submitted more than 1,200 photos for the video (below). Goulding had just joined the photo-sharing site in June before she asked fans to show her some Instagram love.

Goulding's debut album, Lights, reached number one the UK Albums Chart in 2010. Halcyon is her follow-up.

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