Dear Mr. President,
I didn’t vote for you.
Dear Mr. President,
My name is Sheena. I am a 29 year old American citizen who works two jobs and goes to school. I am a middle school mathematics teacher and an industrial engineering intern for a local hospital. In addition, I am a senior Industrial engineering major who will be graduating in the spring.
I am mainly writing this letter because I do not understand some of your actions and I am hoping you will be able to clarify for me by giving me more information. I have many questions and reservations about your logical reasoning abilities.
The first question I propose is why there was never a root-cause analysis conducted after the Sandy Hook School Shooting? There are two ways you can respond in any situation; you can be reactive or you can be proactive. If I had a student throw a pencil in class I could choose to yell, get mad, get frustrated, and I could say “no one gets any pencils since Mark*threw one.” Those would all be reactive responses which I would do if I did not have self-control over my emotions and my actions. However, I can choose to be proactive and get more information. I could say to Mark*,” I see you threw that pencil, please stay after class for a few moments so we can talk.” Then after class, ask, “Hey why did you throw that pencil?” “Oh, you were throwing it to Johnny. Ok. Well, next time can you walk it to him?” “Ok, great. “
In your response to the Sandy Hook school shooting, you chose to be reactive in your response and emotionally making some “Executive Orders” on gun control. Even having the children from the school stand behind you as your read their emotion filled letters. As the leader of our country, I do not understand why you would make such a reactive response to a situation without gathering all the information. Furthermore, you chose to make a rash decision without the support of the Senate, House, and the American people. Why did you choose to sign executive orders and what is your rationale behind them?
I am a law-abiding citizen and it is my second amendment right to bear arms. The second amendment was written by our founding fathers to enable people to protect themselves in not only a life threatening situation, but also against a tyrannical government. The founding fathers knew all too well what a tyrannical government looked like as that is why they fled to America in the first place. Your executive orders to have a national gun registry (know where every gun is) and ammunition limits do not offer any real solutions to the real problem which is the fact that we have many children and adults with serious mental issues. How does limiting the rights of law-abiding citizens stop bad guys or mentally ill people from conducting heinous crimes?
Furthermore, why is there no study being conducted on the use of psychiatric drug use and the mass killings that have taken place? There was an article on a couple of weeks ago about this very question showcasing the correlation between almost every mass killing that has happened recently and every person who was responsible had been on some form of psychiatric drugs. The article was removed and deleted from soon after that. Why was the article deleted? Are you pressured by the drug companies to silence anyone who questions this correlation because of the fear of massive lawsuits?
My own mind keeps postulating why in my mind why and please correct me if I am wrong, but the reason you have chosen your decisions is because you knew you could use the Sandy Hook School shooting to exert more power over the American people by enacting more gun restrictions. Knowing where every gun is located is a very powerful tool that if in the hands of a tyrannical government or person could be very dangerous. You already have access to the location of anyone with a cellphone through the GPS devices installed in their phone or car. You have access to anyone’s electronic records, text messaging, emails, etc…. You have installed “terrorist” monitoring devices in major locations throughout the country and you even have devices that can take pictures and x-ray people without them even knowing it. How does someone who has access to all of that information not use it for their own self gain?
Another question, why are you trying to discredit the NRA for their suggestion to have arm guards at the schools? No one even blinks twice about the fact that our banks have bullet proof glass, panic buttons, and armed security guards. Everyone is ok with having an armed guard protecting our money but you believe that armed guards are a bad idea in order to protect our children? Money is not our most precious asset. Our children are our most precious asset and I find it offensive that you would not even consider their suggestion a viable solution. I mean at the very least you could say you are creating more jobs…
Am I living in a bad joke? I find it to be completely pretentious that you would make an executive order to make sure you have armed security for the rest of your life and your children in the same month you are telling the American people that they do not deserve the same protection. Your actions have literally said that your children are more important and deserving of life than anyone else’s. Please explain your rationale for this decision?
I know that if I was being attacked in my school, I deserve the right to be able to defend my students as well as myself. Bad guys and mentally ill people will find a way to get weapons. I thought you would know that since you came from Chicago (#2 city for murders in the United States). Taking away the rights of law-abiding citizens does not offer a solution to the Sandy Hook shooting and I would like to know your reasoning behind your actions?
I work every day trying to explain to my students the importance of being a good problem solver and to pursue being a productive member of society (I teach students who come from families who have generationally lived off the government) and I am dumbfounded at what your overarching goal for our country is. In my mind, I postulate your goal is to equalize America with the rest of the world, thereby diminishing the quality of life and opportunities available to the average citizen. Am I wrong? Most republics in history go from being democratic, to soft tyranny, to despotism. Where are we going Mr. President? Please answer my questions if you have time in-between the very important task of listening to Lady Gaga perform for one of your inauguration balls.
One lowly teacher,
Sheena from Lakeland, FL